Monday, March 14, 2011

ragams in life

:)ragam ragam ragam . semua orang got their own ragam , sometime ragam can be cool and could be uncool so .kite selalu berdepan dengan macammacam jenis orang and secara tidak langsung akan berdepan dengan pelbagai sorts of ragam . ragam terbahagi kepada 3 jenis ragam umum that is ragam kanakkanak , ragam remaja , ragam orangg tua . tetapi yang paling i arif or wellknown is actually ragam that berkait rapat dengan children and teenager , obviously ryte coz i never been adult yet to understand their truecolours of ragam . through my experience ragam boleh terjadi secara natural and unnatural . selalunya i lebih suka or tengok ragam yang natural better than the unnatural because ragam yangg natural die ta buadbuad taw , its like she/he's been doing it as spontaneous or its actually die punye perangai exactly kan . tapi kalau yang ta natural neh dye nampak sangat dibuadbuat taw law die buad sekali sekala maybe we/i can accept but law dah terlalu kerap its quite make me/we annoyed and irritated with her/him.well kadangkadang this type of person memang ta makan saman wokk . kita cakap or nasihat dye dibalekkan nasihat tu kat kite balik . but its ok la atleast i/we know who we are and we/i are standing in the real world right . :) didnt mean to sarcastic just wanna tell .